Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some actual ‘Facts’ about Bath Salts

The media has blown the issue of Bath Salts to such an extreme, one could even compare it to the utterly ridiculous Marijuana propaganda of the early 1900's. Since this site is read by people with all different points of view, I am going to lay down some un-biased information for the sake of better informing the people (because the news sucks at it).

First, lets look at how different media angles are tackling the subject.

Check out some of the stunning reporting work of “Lauren LaBorde” of …

Brilliant.  First off, you know you have to be 18 buys bath salts?  Just getting that out of the way for the insanely oblivious readers.

According to these people, 1 hit and you are either going to be seriously hurt, or dead.

Everyone remember Harry Anslinger?  He’s the guy who ran the rediculous propaganda campaign to make Weed illegal.  Along with all his claims of how it is making certain races go crazy and make good music, he had some ‘claims’ (lies) which he used to persuade people into thinking Marijuana was a killer.

Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death!Are you starting to get a grasp of what i’m saying?  This ‘Bath Salts’ epidemic and media frenzy is being made possible because of: FearProtection of Corporate Profits (profits of tobacco/alcohol sales tax)Yellow JournalismNot to mention, A HUGE part in the effort to ban bath salts is Drug Cartels.  You think they are just gonna let people sell a product legally online, which is BETTER than theirs, and cheaper, all while not having to do any smuggling/money laundering/cop evading?  No, they would have every Bath Salt vendors arms and legs broken if they could.  But they can’t, so who knows what they are going to do to get this stuff banned.IF YOU WANT BATH SALTS BANNED, THE ASSISTANCE OF THE DRUG CARTELS WILL BE VERY HELPFUL.Back to some gold news snippets I found:SCRANTON – High on bath salts and acting under an increasing sense of paranoia, a 25-year-old West Scranton man broke into a monastery early Wednesday morning and stabbed a priest in the face and hand, according to a criminal complaint.A Panama City woman was jailed for allegedly swinging a machete at her mother while high on “Bath Salts“.Here’s an article from the 1930's talking about the NEW KILLER DRUG – BATH SALTS!!! (wait, no)     Marijuana!!!!!!

I’ll let you ponder up your own opinion on what you’ve just been shown.  I’m not here to force my opinions into your head, only give out some facts for the sake of safety.

Here they are.

Sure, bath salts are killing people, there is no denying that.  But who is actually dying off these bath salts?  It must be the kids who see these bath salts in the convenience store in the fancy package and decide to try it, and end up dying.  (this is what a lot of people use in their news articles as to why it should be banned)  Oh wait.   You have to be 18 to buy these, and if your kid is buying stuff which he has no information about, then putting the stuff up his nose or shooting it in his veins, then you kid is probably retarded.

The people that are taking bath salts like White Dragon and Ultra Molly and dying already know what they are doing.  They know it is legal and will give them an intense high just like the meth or crack that they just ran out of.   They then push it to the limit and end up doing way too much, resulting in another drug baser death.   It’s not the bath salts themselves;

When used in small amounts, like you are supposed to, bath salts DO NOT cause “extreme paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, hypertension and suicidal thoughts.”  That stuff only happens if you are shooting up a whole bag, or blowing down lines ever 5 minutes.

There is also not just 1 kind of bath salt, there is thousands.  Bath Salts are just research chemicals packaged up nicely, and there are hundreds of different RC’s all with different effects.  So while one bath salt might make you go batshit insane, there is some that make you have a mellow, safe time if used correctly.  If you disagree with that, then you are probably one of the people who thinks nobody has what it takes to graduate college or get a job/life while smoking pot.


People do it… and make more money than you while chiefing like indians.

Here’s what it all boils down to:

It is a stimulant, just like the coffee you drink every day.  If you drink coffee every day, then can safely say that you get the feeling of bath salts (more awake, focused, energetic).  You fucking coffee-drinking baser.  We should ban that shit, and focus on LED Bulbs.  Same with tylenol, killing over 10,000 a year.  Let’s get that shit on Dr. Oz.

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