A friend of mine recently turned me on to this stuff called bath salts. They apparently are becoming quite popular now; with many brands too choose from. Ever since the first time trying them with my friend I have been dying to get some for myself, and after searching a little online I decided to grab a bag branded “ocean snow” from a reputable dealer. It arrived in a few short days and the experiment process began.
I opened the bag and gave it a nice wiff to find it had a somewhat fishy smell, and upon dumping about 100mg out and pushing it around with a card I found it had properties similar to clumpy flour. Most online reviews usually involve the user snorting the powder so I went ahead and did it that way with what I had dumped out. It burned slightly going up, and kinda made me squint for a few minutes in a half sneeze type motion. After the tickling/burning sensation left I felt a nice stream of happiness flowing throughout my entire body, with a slight tingling in my fingers. It was also an eye opener, making me feel very awake and full of energy. I sat back and enjoyed the sensation for roughly an hour until I began contemplating whether or not I should go ahead and finish off the bag. My thought process was somewhat skewed, so it didn’t take much of an internal struggle before I was back at my table dumping out the last contents of the ocean snow. This line went up much smoother than the first, but didn’t quite meet the expectations I had due to my initial line. I felt the stimulation and was wide awake, but it seemed the euphoria I was craving simply wasn’t there this time. After a few hours into my second dose I realized the error of my ways and that I really shouldn’t have finished off the bag. The stimulation was still incredibly strong, so strong that lying down or being motionless was next to impossible, which basically sealed the deal that I wouldn’t be sleeping that night. I smoked a gram of really high grade bud and it didn’t help a bit, to be honest I don’t even think I felt high from the marijuana at all. Sunrise came and my eyes began to droop slightly, and after thinking about it for some time, I decided to take a few sleeping pills to try and dose before the light crept into my room. The sleep aid worked surprisingly well, and I was asleep in practically no time, although in retrospect it was around 8 hours since my last dose of the bath salt so the fact that I was having trouble sleeping at all was astounding.
I definitely plan on trying bath salts once or twice more; now that I am aware of the dangers of re-dosing I feel I could have a much better time. If you take anything from this review please let it be that re-dosing really does nothing to achieve the effects you are longing for, and that you will have a much better time just enjoying the trip rather than thinking about the next dose.
You couldn't go into great depth, however, you provided components I need to to get help me started.
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