Well, it happened. As of last Friday, the DEA finally got around to actually implementing that ban on the 3 biggest bath salt ingredients and bringing the banhammer down hard. These three chemicals are now classified as schedule one narcotics, and anyone caught selling, possessing, distributing or basically anywhere near these things is in for a world of hurt. While, to my knowledge, no one has yet gone down under the federal law. State laws are a different matter, having been in place for some time, but it remains to be seen how much of this new DEA emergency act is in earnest, and how much is just posturing. The problem is, until the DEA actually decides to do something to someone, we have no real way of knowing. Sure, they’re a few days late getting the emergency action placed in the federal register, but it would be foolish to assume that this single instance of sluggishness is representative of how they’ll play the rest of their cards. For the time being, one can only offer advice.
And that advice is “Don’t be Stupid”.
Congratulations, boys and girls. Those of you who are fans of bath salts now get to dance that much closer to that dread realm known as “the wrong side of the law”. Given how I know bath salt fans often stockpile quantities (especially in the face of the ban, and with so many crazy “buy it while it’s still legal” sales going on) I’d wager a fair few are actually already earning the unrealized malice of The Man, as simple possession of these compounds is against the law. That does not, however, mean, that these products aren’t still available. In fact, several companies, either through ignorance, balls, or lack of scruples, are still plainly offering bath salts and other concoctions chock full of prison waiting to happen.
At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, these sites and the people who frequent them are, plainly stated, retarded. Understand that when I say this, I mean no offense to those who are, by fault or fate, legitimately mentally handicapped. In fact, I personally would be more inclined to trust the judgement of someone who was, quite literally speaking, not right in the head over someone stupid enough to order illegal substances that are in the public spotlight from the internet with a credit card. Doing that is asking to get caught and anyone dumb enough to take that risk deserves whatever comes down, if for no other reason then such brazen ignorance deserves to be squashed. Social Darwinism in action.
So I will say it again. Don’t be stupid.
Other then bullheadedness, what has the reaction of the legal high community been? Mixed.
Some companies, like the former Legal Salts store, have given up the ghost and just shut down. Others, like our old favorite Da Brand, cashed in and is evidently letting someone else handle the headache. Others are hobbling along, shifting to incense or leaning on fresh, untested blends to try and keep going. That being said, those among you who are salt fans still have options. For example, several companies have been poised and ready to go for some time with legal, alternative formulations. Am-Hi-Co, Buzz Wholesale and VIP/London Underground are among them. Other sites are selling bath salts and implying that they are legal without actually coming out and stating that they are. Again, don’t be stupid. I would advise heavily against ordering from companies who don’t explicitly state that their products are ban safe.
In the mean time, keep an eye here and on sites like the Legal Drug Review to find new sources and keep up on reviews of the latest and newest products that companies are rolling out.
And stay safe. Be smart. Enjoy yourself.
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